How to Capture Stunning Solo Travel Portraits in the Gothic Quarter, Barcelona?
I'm a travel photographer myself, and many of the clients I shoot are solo travelers. I also often travel solo. Solo travel is liberating; it can be fulfilling or relaxing! But I find the hardest part of solo travel is the moment you decide to buy that plane ticket. After that, it's all about enjoying the surprises the journey brings you. If you're feeling a bit nervous about taking that leap, I suggest finding a local travel photographer who resonates with you. They can be your starting point, helping to ease some of the apprehensions about travelling to unfamiliar cities.
One of my favour barrios. Barrio Gòtico is a unique blend of history and contemporary flair. Put away your map; wandering through the Gothic Quarter guarantees unexpected encounters with iconic sights like Pont del Bisbe (The Bridge of Sighs) or the lively Plaza Reial. Dive into the vibrant atmosphere of this neighbourhood and let its charms intoxicate you.
