Exploring the street on the day of Barcelona's Sant Jordi Festival
In Catalonia, Saint George stands as a symbol of bravery and chivalry. Legend has it that he rescued a princess threatened by a fearsome dragon. In a fierce battle, Saint George pierced the dragon's heart with his sword, saving the princess and vanquishing the beast.
It's said that from where the dragon's blood fell, roses sprouted forth. Thus, every April 23rd, Catalans celebrate Saint George's Day by exchanging roses and books, honoring the valorous knight and his tale. The streets come alive with a blend of romance and culture on this significant day in Catalonia!
This year, a magnificent rose adorns the top of the Pont del Bisbe, and Yvonne has donned their finest red attire. We had a fun time.
Beyond the Pont del Bisbe, many buildings in Barcelona are adorned with sculptures depicting Saint George slaying the dragon.
For those visiting Barcelona this week, keep an eye out for scattered depictions of Saint George and roses in every nook and cranny of the city!
#Santjordi #barcelona #barcelonaphotosession #海外旅拍 4月23日是巴塞隆那的聖喬治節。在加泰隆尼亞的傳說中,聖喬治是一位充滿英勇與高尚的騎士。他曾救出被恐怖龍威脅的公主,經過驚心動魄的戰鬥,聖喬治用他的劍勇敢地刺中龍的心臟,成功地救出了公主並結束了龍的威脅。
今年,主教橋(Pont del Bisbe)上還放了一朵特大玫瑰,剛好都巧遇我的客人穿著紅色的禮服,簡直就像在慶祝一樣!與大家這些漂亮的照片。